Thursday, January 2, 2020

Its The Furthest Thing From Extreme - 1148 Words

â€Å"That all sounds a little extreme.† â€Å"It’s the furthest thing from extreme. You may have carved out a sweet little community for yourself, but you are an island in a sea of misery - the tide is rising quickly. It’s only a matter of time before you and your estate are consumed by famine, pestilence, and death. We have a small window; I’m thinking maybe three to five years to try and put the genie back in the bottle.† â€Å"How?† â€Å"We have men and women in place in state capitols across the region who are working to reconstitute local and state governments. Many of these people are the same men and women who you worked with during the movement. If we can get some structures re-established, the goal is to hold a second round of constitutional conventions and repeal all the Liberty Amendments and the Supremacy Amendment at the state level. Once the Liberty Amendments and Supremacy Amendment are gone, we can begin making and enforci ng laws once again. As soon as we can enforce law, we can begin to rebuild society based on those laws.† â€Å"So, let me see if I’ve got this straight,† William said. â€Å"You took your grandson and fled Rosewood, leaving Edward Birch in the dust, and now you’re bent on starting a counter-movement, and you want me to help you foment this revolution.† â€Å"That’s exactly right.† â€Å"You’re doing this because you believe that Edward Birch is some demon, perhaps even the anti-Christ himself, whose goal all along has been to unleash an apocalypse on America. You believeShow MoreRelatedAnalysis1035 Words   |  5 PagesHistorians may not be able to prove anything since it’s observing what was left behind, but to Delgado, it’s more credible that telling what the Japanese told at the time that was exaggerated by not only just the writers but also with religious meanings. Khan was headed for Japan to conquer, so to fully understand Khan’s fleet’s, he explained why Khan wanted to control Japan. 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