Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essays on CAN WE AFFORD LONGEVITY Essay LONGEVITY Humans have a right to live as long as they can because everybody has a purpose for living and arole to play in their lives. Therefore, humans should be provided for with social security and this is the reason Governments should modernize the taxation system so that they are able to collect money for future use. For example, the retirement money that is set aside then delivered to the households when required. In addition, humans should be provided with improved health care as well as extended education. There is no right to die at an individual’s own terms because all persons were created for a reason and no one has a right to dictate when to die as no one dictates when to be born. Individuals need to undergo a self –realization process where they find out why they live in this world. People should use their time well to improve their living standards as well as accomplish their goals. As self-realization requires good health and extensive exercise, people sh ould begin eating healthy foods and doing exercises to keep their bodies fit. Individuals should enroll in schools to better their education and increase their knowledge. In addition, governments and private sectors should come up with policies that enhance development of institutions that offer adult education so that people can use their leisure time to understand better the world and themselves. There should never be a social responsibility to die. This is because it is wrong and I believe there is no society that advocates for death. Death is cruel and no one is happy when their family member or loved one dies. Moreover, I would never plan for my death even if the costs of living increased drastically. This is because I believe in myself and have personal values that guide me when faced with problems. Instead, I would work extra hard to ensure I meet the living standards as well as my goals in life. The pros of human longevity include the enhancement of health to ensure a high performing life span as well as have people live longer. In addition, there increased amounts of leisure time. On the other hand, the cons of human longevity include the need and competition of the scarce resources that make people fight. Moreover, there is the risk of having medical conditions, which might turn to be stressful and expensive to cure. Additionally, there is unequal distribution of resources among members of the community. My Christian faith does not allow me to commit murder and advocates for people to be hardworking. Consequently, the same faith has taught me to help the poor and by this, it is essential to distribute resources equally among members in a community. Individuals can pay for human longevity by working hard and ensure that they invest for their future. It is important to plan on retirement so that when the time comes for retiring one is independent. Finally, people need to share spiritual resources among men and women as well as the rich and the poor. Works Cited Fogel, Robert William. Long Life in the Modern World: Changes in the Process of Ageing. Egham: Royal Holloway, U of London, 2000. Print.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Diabetes Is A Syndrome Of Impaired Metabolism Of Fat And...
1. Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome of impaired metabolism of fat, carbohydrate and protein which can be caused by either low sensitivity of the tissues to the insulin hormone or lack of insulin secretion. Type 1 diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and it is caused by lack of insulin secretion. The cause of diabetes type 1 is not fully understood, however, viral infections, heredity and autoimmune disorders play a important role in the triggering of type 1 diabetes.It’s also known that type 1 diabetes arises when the beta cells of islets of Langerhans which secretes insulin are destroyed by immune-mediated response, viral infection or heredity susceptibility. Furthermore, its onset usually occurs in young people†¦show more content†¦Hyperinsulinemia occurs as a compensatory response by the beta cells for the reduced responsiveness of the peripheral tissue to the metabolic effects of insulin. It leads to impaired utilisation and storage of carbohydrate which induces the raise of blood glucose and stimulates its compensatory secretion of insulin. After a prolonged and severe insulin resistance the compensatory effect has its efficiency reduced Insulin resistance development is a slow process which starts with excess weight gain and obesity, however, the mecha nism that links obesity with insulin resistance is unknown. The substantial accumulation of visceral fat, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes can occurs due to any acquired or genetic condition, such as polycystic overt syndrome or Cushing’s syndrome, impairing insulin signalling in peripheral tissues. In contrast with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed by a health lifestyle, including exercise and healthy diet. 2. In the liver the storage of glucose is stimulated by insulin. It has many effects in the liver which leads to glycogen synthesis and increased glycogen in the liver. Firstly, it induces the phosphorylation of glucose by activating the enzyme hexokinase. It also activates several enzymes involved in the glycogen synthesis such glycogen synthase and phosphofructokinase.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Of Revenge Essay Example For Students
Of Revenge Essay REVENGE is a kind of wild justice; which the more mans nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out. For as for the first wrong, it doth but offend the law; but the revenge of that wrong, putteth the law out of office. Certainly, in taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior; for it is a princes part to pardon. And Salomon, I am sure, saith, It is the glory of a man to pass by an offence. That which is past is gone, and irrevocable; and wise men have enough to do, with things present and to come; therefore they do but trifle with themselves, that labor in past matters. There is no man doth a wrong, for the wrongs sake; but thereby to purchase himself profit, or pleasure, or honor, or the like. Therefore why should I be angry with a man, for loving himself better than me? And if any man should do wrong, merely out of ill-nature, why, yet it is but like the thorn or briar, which prick and scratch, because they can do no other. The most tolerable sort of revenge, is for those wrongs which there is no law to remedy; but then let a man take heed, the revenge be such as there is no law to punish; else a mans enemy is still before hand, and it is two for one. Some, when they take revenge, are desirous, the party should know, whence it cometh. This is the more generous. For the delight seemeth to be, not so much in doing the hurt, as in making the party repent. But base and crafty cowards, are like the arrow that flieth in the dark. Cosmus, duke of Florence, had a desperate saying against perfidious or neglecting friends, as if those wrongs were unpardonable; You shall read saith he that we are commanded to forgive our enemies; but you never read, that we are commanded to forgive our friends. But yet the spirit of Job was in a better tune: Shall we saith he take good at Gods hands, and not be content to take evil also? And so of friends in a proportion. This is certain, that a man that studieth revenge, keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal, and do well. Public revenges are for the most part fortunate; as that for the death of CÃÆ'ƒÂ ¦sar; for the death of Pertinax; for the death of Henry the Third of France; and many more. But in private revenges, it is not so. Nay rather, vindictive persons live the life of witches; who, as they are mischievous, so end they infortunate.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Music and Influence free essay sample
Popular music is very powerful because of the notoriety of the artist and how he or she is seen s a role model, can a negative message in music play as entertainment or does music diminish their conscience and cause them to involve themselves on senseless acts of violence and debauchery. Even in children music poses as a building block in their mental development, as they reach adolescents it begins to form media exposure and identities. Although most of popular music is considered violent and sexual it is till a major part of teenage development. Demo (1981) connects teenagers expose to popular music as an outlet to the media. While listening to music is also a major part of the way they live. Teens listen to music while, doing homework, driving, and even as substitute for television. The Press today sees music lyrics as ways of provoking people into doing things they arent supposed to. We will write a custom essay sample on Music and Influence or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hip hop or rap music is the most popular music to the urban and black youth in our present time. Rappers serve as role models who were in the same position as the audience they are speaking to; teens in ghettos around America see them as examples of how you can make it positive and become wealthy.However, Rap can be very explicit music with fowl language, murder and objectifying women. One example is in the lyrics of the song The Heat y IL Wayne Dressed in all black and my gun the same color , Murder my enemy love thy broths, and I anti never gave a SSH*t about a *Hit him up and watch the guts come up out a young stomach. There is a high level of violence in a lot of songs. Is this making money off of sex, money, and murder or just an accurate image of life in the ghetto and survival?Not all rap music promotes homicidal thoughts; there is also a club form of hip-hop promoting dancing and having fun. Many Rap lyrics seem to focus on violence, drugs and women, however even early country music trends focus on barroom fights, gay beatings, and general violence. There are many things that come to mind when thinking about the words rock in roll. There is vintage Elvis Priestley or the more recent punk rock with moms pits and all black clothes. Rock music serves as outlet for the many of the Caucasian youth in suburbs around America almost as rap does to urban areas.Many forms of rock advocates murder, sex, drugs, satanic references and can be linked many suicides. This can lead a lost teen to go even more astray. In rock they speak about anarchy and rebellion and this message was taken too literal by depressed and angry students whom one day shot up their school in Colorado. This incident became a nationwide tragedy and went down in history. The incident happened in columbine high school when a couple of students were tired of being bullied and took it into their own hands with senseless violence.A brief example of a song listened by the students by COMFY called Anarchy I made a god out of blood not superiority, killed the king of deceit weak me up in anarchy[l born of revenge, raised on cement chaos created government. Marilyn Manson, a well known rock n roll artist was took heat for the incident as people needed a person to point the finger at because of his music. Hate can also take the form of music with neo-Nazi rock bands that make songs about their terrible beliefs and the slaughter of other races. One example is the group Landler.The band was kicked out of Germany for trying to start another Nazi sweep and bring back the Aryan nation. Another form of hate is against homosexuals, like in the many of the songs of Mine for example Criminal My words are like a dagger with a jagged edge thatll stab you in the head whether youre a bag or leg Or the homes, Herman or a trans-a-vest Pants or dress hate fags? The answers yes. This is an obvious act of hatred award homosexuals, which is shared by many people in our country and spoken through the word of mine.It is bad that he puts hate like that in his music however there are many people who share his feelings and would feel the same even if mine never started rapping. Music is a big part of self expression to teens today, many even dressing to match the style or genre they listen to. Many teens even find popular brands being mentioned in popular songs. By being able to uses lyric in their own lives, teens are beginning to think for themselves and create a mental picture of their lives.Some students even said, Music makes me happy when am sad, Complying that music is their personal therapy, thus showing more independence (Demo, 3). Popular music can also be a positive outlet and teach the youth to get an education and work hard to be whatever their dreams are. Although rap does have a lot of violence it also can influence a teen to work hard to become a rapper or something else in the music business, maybe even own their own label and become a CEO of their own company. Music and Influence free essay sample The Introduction of Rap Music into the 21st Century has become influential In a global society for the following reasons: The way women are portrayed In rap videos, drug use glorified by rappers and the Blind-Blind era. Rap music can be heard playing In all countries. Over time, rap music has developed a lot of controversy In many ways. I. E. How women are degraded In the lyrics and how drugs and Diamonds or Blind-Belong plays a large part In how rappers are portrayed. The way women are portrayed in rap videos is especially degrading. They make them up to look like prostitutes and gold diggers.Rappers portray themselves as having a lot of money and being able to have any women that they want. Women in rap videos are shown barely clothed I. E. Thongs, short-shorts, bras, etc. Drugs use is glorified by rappers when they talk about it in their lyrics as if it is okay. We will write a custom essay sample on Music and Influence or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Snoop Dog, a well known rapper, constantly talks about smoking marijuana or weed in almost all of his music. Some rappers lyrics lead teens to believe that drug use is okay. You can consistently hear in our news reports today of rappers being caught with drugs I. E. Marijuana and cocaine and being incarcerated.Rappers are notorious for their Diamond Grills, diamond necklaces and flashy clothes. They also spend millions on their cars and wheels. Blind-sling originated from the song Blind Blind which was created by the New Orleans Rapper B. G. On his 1998 album, Chopper City, which basically talked about how they lived their flashy lives as hip hop artist. Overall, rap music influences the way we talk, the way we dress, they way we look and the type of Jewelry we purchase. It negatively portrays our women as prostitutes and has a terrible Influence on our young teens. It also promotes drug use among our young people. Music and Influence free essay sample Music is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. It is something every age group can enjoy. Music is very influential to teenagers In our new millennium, yet many of the new and most popular forms of music advocate violence degrade women, others even promote sadism. With tens new need for music poses the question of how does popular music affect their well-beings. Columbine Is the most popular example of when a negative message In music can backfire and innocent lives were lost.Popular music is very powerful because of the toothier of the artist and how he or she is seen as a role model, can a negative message in music play as entertainment or does music diminish their conscience and cause them to involve themselves on senseless acts of violence and debauchery. Even in children music poses as a building block in their mental development, as they reach adolescents it begins to form media exposure and identities. We will write a custom essay sample on Music and Influence or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Although most of popular music Is considered violent and sexual It Is till a major part of teenage development. Demo (1981) connects teenagers expose to popular music as an outlet to the media. While listening to music Is also a major part of the way they live. Teens listen to music while, doing homework, driving, and even as substitute for television. The Press today sees music lyrics as ways of provoking people Into doing things they arent supposed to. Hip hop or rap music is the most popular music to the urban and black youth in our present time.Rappers serve as role models who were in the same position as the audience they are speaking to; teens in ghettos around America see them as examples of how you can make it positive and become wealthy. However, Rap can be very explicit music with fowl language, murder and objectifying women. One example is in the lyrics of the song The Heat by Ill Wayne Dressed in all black and my gun the same color ,Murder my enemy love thy broths, and I anti never gave a SSH*t about a mother**re . Hit him up and watch the guts come up out a young stomach. There Is a high level of violence in a lot of songs. Is this making money off of sex, money, and murder or Just an accurate Image of life In the ghetto and survival? Not all rap music promotes homicidal thoughts; there Is also a club form of hip-hop promoting dancing and having fun. Many Rap lyrics seem to Ochs on violence, drugs and women, however even early country music trends focus on barroom fights, gay beatings, and general violence. There are many things that come to mind when thinking about the words rock n roll.There is vintage Elvis Priestley or the more recent punk rock with moss pits and all black clothes. Rock music serves as outlet for the many of the Caucasian youth in suburbs around America almost as rap does to urban areas. Many forms of rock advocates murder, sex, drugs, satanic references and can be linked many suicides. This can lead a lost teen to go even more astray. In rock they speak about anarchy and rebellion and this message was taken too literal by depressed and angry students whom one day shot up their school In Colorado.This Incident became a nationwide tragedy and went down In history. The Incident happened In columbine high school when a couple of students were tired of being bullied and took it into their own hands with senseless Anarchy l made a god out of blood not superiority, I killed the king of deceit weak me up in anarchy born of revenge, raised on cement chaos created government. Marilyn Manson, a well known rock n roll artist was took heat for the incident as people needed a person to point the finger at because of his music. Hate can also take the form of music with neo-Nazi rock bands that make songs about their terrible beliefs and the slaughter of other races. One example is the group Landler. The band was kicked out of Germany for trying to start another Nazi sweep and bring back the Aryan nation. Another form of hate is against homosexuals, like in the many of the songs of Mine for example Criminal My words are like a dagger with a jagged edge thatll stab you in the head whether youre a fog or leg Or the homes, Herman or a trans-a-vest Pants or dress hate fags?The answers yes. This is an obvious act of hatred toward homosexuals, which is shared by many people in our country and spoken through the word of mine. It is bad that he puts hate like that in his music however there are many people who share his feelings and would feel the same even if mine never started rapping. Music is a big part of self expression to teens today, many even dressing to match the style or genre they listen to. Many teens even find popular brands being mentioned in popular songs.By being able to uses lyric in their own lives, teens are beginning to think for themselves and create a mental picture of their lives. Some students even said, Music makes me happy when I am sad, Dimpling that music is their personal therapy, thus showing more independence (Demo, 3). Popular music can also be a positive outlet and teach the youth to get an education and work hard to be whatever their dreams are. Although rap does have a lot of violence it also can influence a teen to work hard to become a rapper or something else in the music business, maybe even own their own label and become a CEO of their own company.One very positive message is in the song Self- Destruction made by a group of rappers who came together to do positive Well, todays topic, self destruction It really anti the rap audience thats bugging Its one or two sucks, ignorant brothers Trying to rob and steal from one another You get caught i n the middle to crush the stereotype heres what we did We got ourselves together so that you could unite and fight for whats right Not negative cause the way we live is positive We dont kill our relatives. Rap and hip-hop music is like using words to portray a real image of how life is for many. There are many different types of influences in the genres of music. Rap music can be terrible at times, yet it is my favorite form of music because it shines a light on life in the ghetto and survival I believe rap and rock can convey a negative image or message but it is up to parents, teachers and those who are role models to convey that it is Just entertainment and not to be too literal, and show the youth a positive message by living life positive.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
buy custom Case of Belleville National Bank essay
buy custom Case of Belleville National Bank essay According to the case of Belleville National Bank v. Rose, 456, the plaintiff asserts that the officials of the bank issued them a loan in which the plaintiff loan officers deceived them into validation of a promissory note. In their defense, the plaintiff claims that they were made to rely on the information on the two loans were five-year-term notes with fixed interest rates. On the contrary, the plaintiff claimed that the defendant imposed to them that they had to renew the loans a year, and a half after the notes were executed. Plaintiff claims that they did not read the documents that each note stipulated was payable on demand or if no demand be made, due and payable five (5) years after the date. The court, therefore, has to establish whether the claim by the plaintiff in the case of Belleville National Bank v. Rose, 456 against the defendant based on claims of fraud was true IICLE Press (2008). The extent in which fraud existed during the contract between Belleville National Bank and Rose loan contract should be established. In this case, the court had an exemption to the common rule that parties have an obligation to establish the outcome of the official papers they sign and are therefore, certain irrespective of whether they essentially read the forms, if they had a chance to read (Kovacich, 2007). Misrepresentation is made in case of an inexperienced individual where there is an evident case of unequal position of parties, as a claim of fraud cannot be barred from the existence of signed documents (Kovacich, 2007). In this case, the courts made an exemption as Rose won the case over Belleville National Bank. It was upheld that fraud during the implementation of the instrument occurs when the loan officers to the petitioner misread the predetermined contract as they were pursuing the loan. In addition, an exception arises as a result, of a hoax during the validation of the agreement that the complainant did not aim to accomplish (Kovacich, 2007). Buy custom Case of Belleville National Bank essay
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Guide to French Reflexive Pronouns
A Guide to French Reflexive Pronouns Reflexive pronouns are a special kind of French pronoun which can only be used with pronominal verbs. These verbs need a reflexive pronoun in addition to a subject pronoun because the subject(s) performing the action of the verb are the same as the object(s) being acted upon. These are the French reflexive pronouns:   me / m        me, myself   te / t / toi   you, yourself   se / s          him(self), her(self), it(self), them(selves)   nous           us, ourselves   vous           you, yourself, yourselvesMe, te, and se change to m, t, and s, respectively, in front of a vowel or mute H. Te changes to toi in the imperative.Like object pronouns, reflexive pronouns are placed directly in front of the verb in nearly all tenses and moods:* Nous nous parlons. Were talking to each other.Ils ne shabillent pas. They arent getting dressed. *In the imperative, the reflexive pronoun is attached to the end of the verb with a hyphen. Là ¨ve-toi ! Get up!Aidons-nous. Lets help each other Reflexive pronouns always have to agree with their subjects, in all tenses and moods - including the infinitive and the present participle. Je me là ¨verai. I will get up.Nous nous sommes couchà ©s. We went to bed.Vas-tu te raser ? Are you going to shave?En me levant, jai vu... While getting up, I saw... Be careful not to mix up the third person singular reflexive pronoun se with the direct object le. Se - French Reflexive Pronoun Se, the third person singular and plural reflexive pronoun, is one of the most often misused French pronouns. It can only be used in two kinds of constructions:1. With a pronominal verb: Elle se lave. Shes washing up (shes washing herself).Ils se sont habillà ©s. They got dressed (they dressed themselves).Elles se parlent. Theyre talking to each other. 2. In a passive impersonal construction: Cela ne se dit pas. That isnt said.Lalcool ne se vend pas ici. Alcohol isnt sold here. French learners sometimes get confused about whether to use se or the direct object le. They are not interchangeable - compare the following: Elle se rase. - Shes shaving (herself). Se is the reflexive pronounElle le rase. - Shes shaving it (e.g., the cat). Le is the direct objectIl se lave. - Hes washing (himself). Se is the reflexive pronounIl le lave. - Hes washing it (e.g., the dog or the knife). Le is the direct objectSe lave-t-il le visage ? - Oui, il se le lave. - Is he washing his face? Yes, hes washing it. Se and le work together Note that se may be the direct or indirect object of a French sentence. Ils se voient. - They see each other. Se means each other and is a direct object.Il se lave le visage. - Hes washing his face. (Literally, Hes washing the face of himself) Se means of himself and is an indirect object. ( Visage is the direct object)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Gender And Family Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Gender And Family Health - Essay Example This study "Gender And Family Health" involves two main things: 1/ the reaction of the public towards the health issues and 2/ the effect of the public health programs and policies in the society that is covered by a particular community or gender who come under the health issue. To understand the ethical and social perspectives of the health problems it is also necessary to study the sexual behavior, diet practices and quality of the hygienic conditions in which they live etc. Ethics are set of moral standards that affect our conduct in the social atmosphere. Ethics helps in shaping different parts of the society. It also involves the combined decisions of a group or community of people to determine the future of the society. Ethics also decides the discussion of worldwide issues in the cultural background by a certain group of people. The argument that how ethical perspectives affect the health outcomes depends on health care, clinical and research care and public health issues. Th e reaction of the members of the society demonstrates the ethics of health in the society. Our present society now faces common problems and health issues in every part of the world, such as old age, HIV aids, obesity, diabetes, etc. Of course, the intensity of these issues differs according to the type of ethical and cultural background in which the people live. The ethics might also influence the matters related to health if a group or community of people in a society combines to make decisions for its future.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Objectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Objectives - Essay Example In other situations, some resources may be available but does not factor into consideration nature of hand washing requirements. The objective is addressing leadership requirements in which the management is supposed to provide these resources. Awareness and knowledge by the health care providers –Health care providers may lack the knowledge on how to tackle hygiene related issues. For example, some health providers do not wash their hands after transferring patients between departments/wards (Takahashi & Turale, 2010). In addressing this issue, policy should be formulated and implemented that informs the health care providers on importance of properly washing their hands after accomplishing health related requirement. Encouragement on hands washing rather than wearing gloves –it is appropriate to determine whether it is necessary in any situation for health care providers to wear gloves (Takahashi & Turale, 2010). It constitutes practice inquiry whereby the research tries to quantify when and necessity of wearing gloves vs. when not supposed to wear the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Nuclear materials trafficking Essay Example for Free
Nuclear materials trafficking Essay Terrorism acts have of late been on the rise in the world a trend which is attributed to the high rates of nuclear material trafficking along the borders of different countries. Nuclear weapons are the major tools used by terrorist which have made the issue of nuclear material trafficking become a major concern of the United States government especially after the September 11 attack of the world trade centre. Nuclear threat was also a major concern to the United States during the time of cold war. The subsequent Soviet Union collapse increased threats of terrorism attacks to the United States making the country intensify its measures of ensuring that terrorists did not have access to nuclear materials which could be used for creation of nuclear weapons. Ever since the era of cold war, United States as well as other countries has put measures to make sure nuclear materials trafficking is reduced thus ensuring the security of the nations as well as the citizens (Williams Vlassis, 2001). Nuclear materials trafficking Nuclear materials trafficking refer to the illegal sale of materials used for making nuclear weapons. The trafficking of these materials is usually carried out though the borders of a country through highly concealed means that at times pass all the tests which may be in place in a country’s border. In some instances, cross border nuclear materials trafficking may be aided by citizens of a country and/ or people working in the migration departments. Due to sophistication in technology being used by terrorists, it has become very difficult to detect some of the nuclear materials being trafficked to a country. This has necessitated implementation of tough and advanced measures to detect nuclear materials. In the United States, the forensic department is the one which deals with analysis of and research on nuclear materials thus making their detection easier. While analyzing nuclear materials in the laboratories of the forensic department, both the chemical and physical characteristic of the materials are analyzed so as to gain all the possible clues of nuclear composition in different compounds. Also, environmental links are also analyzed for the purposes of tracing the place of origin which may help in determining how such products were illegitimated (Cameron, 1999). Nuclear materials are widely categorized into three basic groups which include the SNM an acronym for special nuclear material, reactor fuel and lastly those from commercial radioactive origins or sources. The special nuclear materials contains the basic materials which are used for making nuclear weapons which include the highly enriched uranium commonly referred to as HEU and plutonium. The reactor fuels on the other hand include LEU-low enriched uranium, grade plutonium of mixed oxide and also grade plutonium of reactor and fuel. The mixed oxide commonly abbreviated as MOX is a combination of uranium oxides which are depleted and plutonium. It is usually used as a substitute for low enriched uranium. Commercial radioactive origins or sources of nuclear materials are meant for medical diagnostics, food irradiators, thermoelectric generators and equipments for radiography (LAnnunziata, El Baradei Burkart, 2003). Special nuclear materials are usually targeted and used by terrorists since when they are in plenty, no uranium enrichment or plutonium acquisition is required. This makes these materials the most highly trafficked around the world. Reactor fuels unlike the special nuclear materials cannot be used to directly build or create nuclear devices. However, they are more commonly available especially because they are found in almost all parts of the world. Reactor fuels in conjunction with some of the radioactive materials can be used in the manufacture of dirty bombs as well as devices for radiological dispersals. Terrorists are the major traffickers of these nuclear materials and also some countries which support terrorism activities. Nuclear materials trafficking have been on the rise for the past ten years posing a great threat to the security of the United States and the world in general. Iran for example was believed to manufacture nuclear weapons which made America go to war with this country. Nuclear weapons are dangerous as they can result to mass destruction (Cameron, 1999). Cases of nuclear materials trafficking and the response of the international criminal bodies According to the international criminal law, illicit nuclear materials trafficking as well as trafficking of other radioactive materials are categorized as one crime unlike in many countries where such crimes are separated. The international criminal laws have different treaties which a local prosecutor can use against a person implicated in nuclear materials trafficking. However, most of the treaties used against a suspected nuclear materials trafficker can only be enforced if this trafficking is linked to intended acts of nuclear terrorism. These laws contrast sharply with the United Nations laws which states that a person can be sanctioned if he or she is a threat to the security and international peace. Usually, the trafficked nuclear materials are sold in nuclear black markets (Hossain Shahidullah, 2008). One of the major cases which has been brought to light is the one which occurred in Georgia in the year 2007 involving a Russian citizen by the name of Oleg Khintsagov who was sentenced for a jail term of 8years after being in possession of 100 grams of highly enriched uranium in the republic of Georgia at a local black market. Oleg was detained for a period of one year before being sentenced. According to the report which was issued out from Georgia, Oleg confessed that he had faith that the uranium could received by a extremist Islamic group. He also claimed that he had large quantities of the highly enriched uranium which he said was kept somewhere in his apartment located at Vladikavkaz city, north Ossentia. An approximated 25 kilograms of this product which Oleg was in possession is required to manufacture of nuclear weapon. This estimate is according to the international atomic agency. By the fact that Khintsagov was a Russian and trading at Georgia as well as south Ossetia, this amounted to an international case thus raising international concern. However, by the time Oleg was being sentenced, the authorities in Georgia as well as those who were supporting the republic of Georgia had not established the origin of the materials. The international criminal justice bodies have set in to try and locate the origin of the materials in the quest of establishing how such sensitive nuclear materials could have been obtained by Oleg in such great quantities of more than 3 kilograms (Williams Vlassis, 2001). Another case which attracted international attention was the illegal sale of nuclear technology of Pakistan to Libya and Iran. Pakistan was the source of nuclear materials, weapons as well as technology which were designed in Iran, Libya and North Korea. This revelation has sparked different and troubling reactions in the international community especially the United States. This exchange of nuclear weapon manufacturing technology has contributed greatly to the increase in nuclear weapon manufacture in the world thus posing a greater threat of manufacture of mass destruction weapons. This ahs raised great concern in the international community as the security of the world is threatened and acts of terrorism have accelerated. In response to this discovery, the international community started carrying out investigation to establish the country’s role in this transfer of technology from Pakistan to the other countries. Despite the fact that these activities were carried long time ago and only came to light on the year 2003, Pakistan may face Charybdis situation and a classic Scylla which could be prompted by any foreknowledge by the past and the present governments concerning the above proliferation activities (Williams, 1989). An analysis of how international criminal bodies are tackling the above two cases of nuclear materials smuggling or trafficking The case in the republic of Georgia as well as the case of Pakistan mentioned above have attracted and increased international concerns on the ease by which an individual can acquire nuclear materials illegally. This has also raised the question of the measures and ability of the governments to ensure that nuclear materials as well as radioactive sources are well guarded and secured. The main task of the international criminal system since the revelation of the proliferation activities by Pakistan is to establish whether Pakistan was aware of such activities or not. Investigations were immediately launched to determine whether the countries which obtained this technology and nuclear materials were making or manufacturing mass destruction weapon (Angelo, 2004). After the 2003 revelations about nuclear weapon proliferation in Pakistan, the international criminal justice system apart from embarking on investigation, it formulated new policies to ensure that such actions were not repeated in the future by other countries. This policy was also meant to create avenues to deal with perpetrators who could have been found to have committed such crime. In the year 2004, resolution 1540 was adopted by the Security Council which sought to prevent any â€Å"non state actor†from acquiring or trafficking in any kind of NBC related weapons and equipment, delivery systems or materials. This term non state actor was used not only to refer to terrorists as it was under the earlier security code but also businesses or state officials who were unauthorized. In the nuclear proliferation in Pakistan, A. Q. Khan a nuclear metallurgist is believed to have coordinated this proliferation in which the government at of that time claimed it had no idea nor had it authorized Khan to carry out such activities. The government argued that nuclear proliferation by Khan was supported by different business networks around the world (Babcock, Chen Zhuang, 2004). The resolution 1540 which was included in the security code mandated all states in the world to ensure appropriate measures were put in place. Such measures included national criminal laws, border controls, export controls, efforts for law enforcement, physical security and also techniques of accounting for materials. This was meant to ensure that no non state actor acquired or even succeeded in trafficking NBC weapons and all other related weapons. Before this resolution was passed, there was no prior requirement which mandated the countries to criminalize acquisition as well as trafficking of biological and nuclear weapons (Williams, 1989). The United States also took stern measures against Pakistan after the nuclear proliferation saga was unfolded. When Pakistan started its nuclear weapon manufacture, it was deemed not to be harmful by the United States. United States under the leadership of Reagan had cooperated with Pakistan on military matters. However, after the nuclear weapon manufacture was realized to be potentially harmful, the country conditioned its support for the Pakistan government. This was meant to force Pakistan abandon the nuclear manufacture project. In year 2001, Pakistan was forced to make Khan retire and military was also tightened over the KRL where Khan had been working from. Khan’s network however has not been closed as investigations are still being carried out. Most of the countries where Khan had networks have so far taken interest in the case with most of these networks being closed (Williams, 1989). In the case of republic of Georgia, though the case is not as big as that of Pakistan, it has still attracted attention of international criminal justice. Non proliferation experts launched their investigations to ascertain the origin of the uranium which Oleg was in possession. However, this has not been identified so far especially because Oleg changed his initial confession which he had said he had obtained the materials form Russia. Russian officials were also involved in the investigation owing to cooperate with Georgia in fighting nuclear materials trafficking. According to Russian authorities, the uranium could have been obtained from the country but ten years earlier before it was confiscated in Georgia a finding the United States conferred with the findings of Russia. Although this case was publicized by the Georgian government, it did not attract much attention from the international criminal agencies and only as it did not amount to heavy charges of proliferation. Also, the publicity of this case was met with skepticism from different opinion group with the move to publicize the case by the republic of Georgia being seen as a political provocation on Russia. Also, the possibilities that later emerged that the uranium could have been stolen from a physics lab which had reported loss of about 2 kilograms of uranium in the 1990s made the case not to attract much international attention (Kelly, Maghan Serio, 2005). While conducting the investigation for the above two cases, the international criminal society was faced with several difficulties. In the case of Oleg in the republic of Georgia, it was difficult to obtain accurate information regarding the origin of the uranium. Also, Georgia lacked sufficient resources to help in the analysis of the uranium and had to rely on the findings of Russia and United States. Lack of resources and cooperation form the perpetrators were the main hindrance of this case. Also, politicization of the nuclear materials trafficking was also another reason which hindered compete investigation of the case by the international criminal justice. Georgia was seen like its only motive was to destroy the Russian reputation especially because of the timing of publication of the case. In the case of Pakistan, lack of willing witnesses was a major hindrance for the international criminal justice team. Also, the laws which were in place during that time were limited and could not thus cover the proliferation issue fully (Williams Vlassis, 2001). Conclusion Globalization which has been on the rise in the past few decades have led to improvement in technology for weapon manufacture. With rise in globalization, terrorism threats have also become more complicated and sophisticated necessitating creation of avenues to ensure and enhance global security. Nuclear materials are widely used for the manufacture of nuclear materials which are usually used by terrorists. Guarding these nuclear materials has thus become a vital task for all countries which have them and laws have been formulated by the international law society to ensure that nuclear proliferation does not occur. Nuclear trafficking has however been a major concern for most countries means of trafficking them continue becoming more complicated and high tech. however, it is the duty of a government to ensure that all its nuclear reserves are well guarded and that no unauthorized persons are allowed to possess them. Nuclear materials trafficking from a country whether knowingly or unknowingly may lead to devastating effects to the diplomatic relationships with such a country as well as heavy measures being undertaken by the international criminal law against such a country. To reduce incidences of nuclear weapon trafficking, it is important for all the governments to cooperate as well as establishment of stringent laws regarding this issue. Recommendation While dealing with issues of nuclear materials trafficking, it is vital to have the necessary equipment to enable a government track the origin and contents of such materials. One of the major recommendations is that all government should establish a research institute and a laboratory equipped with necessary machines to enable in easier analysis as well as identification of nuclear materials. Countries should also ensure that the immigration department is closely manned to eliminate chances of collaboration and collusion of terrorists and immigration officers. All individuals entering or leaving a country should be thoroughly checked and screened to reduce chances of nuclear materials trafficking (Babcock, Chen Zhuang, 2004). The government should also take the initiative of training its forensic team, militants, border controllers as well as individuals involved in nuclear materials analyses so as to help cases of nuclear weapon smuggling in a country. All departments involved in the fight of nuclear proliferation and trafficking should also be given adequate funding especially with the current rise in terrorism threats. In cases of nuclear materials trafficking, non proliferation expert teams from various countries should be sent to the countries affected to ensure that results obtained are not biased or prejudiced. A joint and independent team of experts should be formed to help in proliferation cases as well as other related nuclear materials trafficking cases (Wallenius, Peerani Koch, 2000). Cooperation by all countries around the world is vital in helping in the fight of nuclear materials trafficking. One of the ways that the countries can do to ensure cooperation is by instituting stringent measures and laws to cub this vice. The internationals criminal laws should impose heavy penalties on countries from which the materials originate. By imposing heavy penalties, countries may become keener in guarding their nuclear materials from being smuggled out of the country. Stringent measures should also be taken on individuals found to the trafficking nuclear materials. As it stands today, countries are more severely punished while perpetrators are only given to serve a short jail term which cannot act as a deterrent agent. Heavier punishment should be imposed on individuals who are caught trafficking nuclear materials (Williams, 1989). An international court to deal with nuclear materials trafficking and proliferations should also be established to ensure that all individuals and countries prosecuted with such crimes get uniform penalties (Phillips, 2007). Reference: Angelo, J. A. (2004): Nuclear technology. ISBN 1573563366, Published by Greenwood Publishing Group Babcock, H. P. , Chen, C. Zhuang, X. (2004): Using single-particle tracking to study nuclear trafficking of viral genes. Biophysical Journal Cameron, G. (1999): Nuclear terrorism: a threat assessment for the 21st century. ISBN 0312219830, Published by Palgrave Macmillan Hossain, M. Shahidullah, S. M. (2008): Global-Local Nexus and the Emerging Field of Criminology and Criminal Justice in South Asia: Bangladesh Case. Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology Volume 5 Kelly, R. J. , Maghan, J. Serio, J. (2005): Illicit trafficking: a reference handbook. ISBN 1576079155, Published by ABC-CLIO LAnnunziata, m. F. , El Baradei, M. M. Burkart, W. (2003): Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis: Second Edition. ISBN 0124366031, Published by Academic Press Phillips, M. (2007): Uncertain Justice for Nuclear Terror: Deterrence of Anonymous Attacks through Attribution. Journal article of Orbis Volume 51 Wallenius, M. , Peerani, P. Koch, L. (2000): Origin determination of plutonium material in nuclear forensics. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Williams, P. (1989): Russian organized crime: the new threat? ISBN 0714647632, Published by Routledge Williams, P. Vlassis, D. (2001): Combating transnational crime: concepts, activities, and responses. ISBN 0714651567, Published by Routledge
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Physical Child Development Essay -- Human Development Infant Essays
Child Development Babies grow and develop at a very rapid rate during the first year of life. They grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. In this paper I will discuss the physical growth and development patterns of an infant all the way through adulthood. Development is the baby's increased skill in using various body parts. When dealing with a development of a child there are three basic development rules. First development rule: This rule says that babies develop in the head region first, then the trunk, and lastly in the legs and feet. For example, a baby can hold up their head before they can grasp an object with their hand. Also they can feed themselves before they can walk. Second development rule: The second development rule explains that children develop from the mid line, or center of the body, outward toward the fingers and toes. Third development rule: Finally, this rule reveals that, as the brain develops, a child responds to more and more sights and sounds in their environment. Furthermore, they learn to respond to much finer details. A general rule is that a baby increases in height by 50% and triples its birth weight in the first year. Clearly, this is a very rapid growth rate; however, the rate of growth slows down after infancy. At three months, a baby is alert and responding to the world. When put on their tummy, they can hold their chest and head up for ten seconds. They try to swipe at toys hung over the crib. They turn their heads toward an interesting sound or listen to voices. Babies love to stare at people's faces. They coo and gurgle. At six months a baby is developing control over its body. They can sit with support and may sit alone for short periods of time. They can roll over. They will hold out their arms to be lifted up or reach and grab an object. They can hold their own bottles and toys. They laugh out loud, babbles, "calls" for help and screams when annoyed. At nine months babies are exploring their environment. They can sit unassisted, crawl, pull to a stand and sidestep along furniture. They can use their fingers to point, poke, and grasp small objects. They feed themselves finger foods. Babies know their names and respond to simple commands. She babbles a pattern as if she were speaking a foreign language. At twelve months a baby is striving for independence. They stand and may walk by the... ...dolescence. Puberty rites signal acknowledgment of a young woman or young man has reached the age of responsibility, virility and community productivity, and these rites make an impression on the teenager or adolescent. Puberty rites are an attempt to mold and educate the teenagers and prepare them for their new role in life. Today, in our western culture part of the world, we have no clearly defined rites; however our rites are randomly scattered throughout the mid-teen years. For teenagers, getting your driver's license, entering college, turning legal age, traveling across America or to Europe are all social rites. To further complicate matters, the period of adolescence has probably doubled in length since Mr. Hall first identified it, our children mature younger and younger and take longer and longer to prepare for fully engaged membership into adulthood. Through all of the readings on child and adolescent development, it is clear that children from birth through teen years all develop according to many factors; society, peers, education, family life, finances, fetal development, pre dispositions, and basically anything or anyone that the child may come in contact with.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Isolation of organic compounds Essay
1. 2.07 g of the mixture of naphthalene and benzoic acid was weighed accurately on a balance. The mixture was then dissolved in 40 ml dichloromethane and the solution was poured into a separatory funnel. 2. 20 ml of aqueous sodium bicarbonate solution was added to the dichloromethane. A stopper was placed on the separatory funnel and was shaken and pressure was frequently released. The 2 liquids separated into clear layers and the lower layer (dichloromethane layer) was tapped into an Erlenmeyer flask. The aqueous layer was placed into a 400 ml beaker. The dichloromethane was placed back in the separatory funnel. 3. The dichloromethane was extracted with 2 more fresh portions of sodium bicarbonate solution. The bicarbonate solutions are combined in the beaker. 4. The dichloromethane was dried with about 10g of anhydrous sodium sulphate for 10 minutes after which the sodium bicarbonate was filtered using the BÃ ¼chner funnel. The mass of an evaporating dish was measured and the dichloromethane placed in the evaporating dish and placed on steam bath until it evaporated into a solid. The evaporating dish containing naphthalene was weighed to determine the yield. 5. A funnel was placed on the evaporating dish on the steam bath to collect some sublimating crystals which were used to determine the melting point. 6. The bicarbonate extract was acidified with concentrated HCl. A piece of litmus paper showed that it was acidic. 7. The benzoic acid was extracted by shaking it with25ml portions of dichloromethane. The organic extracts were collected in a pre-weighed Erlenmeyer flask and evaporated on the steam bath. The mass of Benzoic acid produced was determined. RESULTS (i) Naphthalene: 0.85g; Benzoic acid: 0.71g (ii) The melting point of Naphthalene: 80-89Â º c
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Gucci’s Closest Competitor
CRITICALLY CONTRAST THE KEY ELEMENT OF GUCCI’S MARKETING STRATEGY TO ITS CLOSEST COMPETITOR. JUSTIFY WHY YOU HAVE CHOSEN THIS COMPANY AS GUCCI’S CLOSEST COMPETITORS Gucci is one of the most powerful leaders in luxury fashion market. Gucci is founded by Guccio Gucci in 1921 in Florence, Italy. Now, Gucci is the part of Gucci Group and Pinault Printemps Recloute (PPR). The globalization of the fashion environment and boost in the western economies transform Gucci from a small Italian company in to large luxury fashion brand in global level. In 1980s, Gucci had lost its appeal and became a tacky brand and was also in deep financial crisis. But Tom Ford raised Gucci from dead and found out the company’s leading status and maintains their customer loyalty. He created Gucci’s image as: sleek, sexy, and daring. And, Frida Giannini the new creative director of Gucci after Tom Ford changed the image of Gucci from sexy to sensuality. There are two sides to a brand like Gucci: the glamorous, very fashionable side but also with its roots and heritage of 90yrs history and artisans working for Gucci. (Frida Giannini , The Times, sept 5, 2009) For the Gucci’s rebirth marketing mix plays a vital role. The concept of 4Ps or the marketing mix is to explain the relationship of product, price, promotion and place with in the brand/business. The marketing mix is set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market. So, this theory proposes that all brands/business need the right product, sell that product at right price, in the right place, using the most suitable promotion. Basically brands use this concept to attract their target consumer to match their needs and demands. Out of these 4Ps product is main focused area of marketing mix because the product is combination of tangible and intangible offer that a brand sells to customer to make money. Product addresses the need of consumer. The product has to have the right features like: it must look good and work well. â€Å"When well designed, good-quality product is at the root of the marketing campaign it often adds a degree of authenticity and sincerity to the marketing strategy. †(Gary Aspden – Adidas) For example: consumer needs to fit in with the peer group and the problem of how best to do this is solved by wearing particular brand’s trendy product. Mastering Fashion Marketing, Tim Jackson, 2008). As mentioned earlier that product is the main element of the marketing mix and in that product category footwear is the main focused area. â€Å"Shoes are always the most important thing because they are who you are. They change the way you walk, the way you move. †– Tom Ford The market for the footwear category is United Kingdom. The reason behind choosing this market is that the United Kingdom footwear market, the value of this market is reached a record high of over ? bn in 2008. The UK is one of Europe’s leading footwear markets, accounting for nearly 19% of the European footwear sales. PRODUCTSGUCCIPRADACHANELLouis Vuitton Women’s wear Men’s wear Shoes Hand Bags Jewellery Fragrance Watches Eye wear Beauty products X Hats Tie Scarves Based on the above mentioned table Gucci's competitors are Prada, Chanel and Louis Vuitton. The reasons behind taking only these brands are these four brands are very popular in luxury market all over the world. So, through this table get the basic idea of the product wise comparison in these four brands. All the four brands have almost similar products but the personality is different. Gucci is much more similar to Prada in terms of brand image and product comparison. The brand image of Gucci and Prada is very seductive, powerful, accomplished, sexy and chic. Where as Chanel and Louis Vuitton have very smart, classic, sophisticated and mature personality. In terms of prices Gucci and Prada go hand in hand while Louis Vuitton and Chanel are quite expensive as compare to Gucci and Prada. While comparing the brand value of these brands and the ranking of Top 100 Brands Louis Vuitton stands on 17th rank with the brand value of $21,120millions, Gucci stands on 45th rank with the brand value of $3530 millions, Chanel stands on 60th rank with the brand value of $6040 millions and Prada stands on 91th rank with the brand value of $3530 millions. So, as comparing the brand value and rank of top 100 brands Chanel will be the closest competitor of Gucci. But, here the comparison is based on the product so, Prada will the Gucci’s closest competitor because as per the product line and brand image Prada is Gucci’s closest competitor. GucciPrada As, mentioned earlier in the product line Prada is the closest competitor of Gucci. Here, the images from Prada and Gucci men’s footwear collection of Spring Summer 2010. The design of the product is similar, shape of the shoes is also similar, and material they used is also same. The cut detail of the outside counter of the shoes is also similar. From the top view both the shoes look very similar The stitching detail is similar but Gucci gave dark color piping on the toe cap and gave same color stitching where as Prada gave contrast color stitching detailing which is quite noticeable. The colors of these shoes are different Gucci used Bordeaux color in suede material which gives very dull look while Prada used same material in Red color which gives very bright and smart look. Prada also gave a logo on side of the shoe whereas Gucci gave green, red and green color web stripe. The detailing on the tongue of the shoes is also different Gucci gave zig zag look on the edge which gave a rough look though its finished where Prada gave very finished look stitching which give very sophisticated look. The lining of the both the shoes are also similar in terms of color and leather in sole logo. The color of the sole is also similar but detailing is different Gucci gave their own brand logo detailing on the rubber sole where as Prada used nice detailing on drive sole. The price of Gucci’s shoes is $530 where as Prada shoes cost around $557. Good design and color and with affordable price Prada is better than Gucci in this comparison. Gucci Prada This advertising campaign is for Autumn Winter 2009/10 for Prada and Gucci for the footwear collection. In both the advertising campaign both the brand focused only on the product. Gucci’s products are very shiny and glamorous which represents very urban, beautiful, young and chic look. Where as Prada shoes are inspired by Trojan helmet/headgear which gives very stylish and cool look and more focus on product detailing. Gucci ( Gucci’s store display window is very basic with perfume bottle shape with yellow light and hand bag shape with pink light and back drop is decorated with Gucci logo. In the display Gucci display bags and shoes together. The ambience and the light effect give very rich look to Gucci’s display window. In the display window Gucci only displayed their basic and classic bag and shoes. Whereas Gucci’s image is very sensuous, sleek and sexy, but through this window display Gucci can not convey its brand image. But, the light effect, ambience and product complement each other. But this display does not Whereas Prada’s window display is totally opposite to Gucci’s window display. Prada give more focus on their product in the display window. Prada used six silver mannequins to display their footwear and which gave very trendy look. Even the color of footwear is very nice and eye catchy when it put on those silver mannequins. The placement of the mannequins is also very nice, they displayed 3 mannequins in the right direction and rest of 3 mannequins they just flip it so that the product can highlight more. And they used white lights for the display. So, through this window display Prada convey their brand image which very trendy, smart, sexy and sensuous. Thus, to conclude we can say that Prada is Gucci’s closest competitors. The reason behind this is Prada offer almost all the product which Gucci offers and the brand image of Gucci and Prada is same which is very sexy, sleek, sensuous and smart. In product line in the same season Gucci and Prada offers almost similar shoes but Prada’s shoes are very smart and trendy where as Gucci’s shoes give very dull look. So, from that comparison Gucci is not able to maintain their brand image where as Prada’s shoes are simple but Prada maintain their brand image which is very smart. While comparing the advertising campaign and the store display window, Prada and Gucci go hand in hand in terms of convey the message through advertising campaign and also highlight their image through store ambience. But Gucci has 278 stores all around the world where as Prada have 128 stores around the world. So, globally Gucci is more famous than Prada. The brand value of Gucci is more than Prada. Reference: Websites: http://bwnt. businessweek. com/interactive_reports/best_global_brands_2009/index. asp? sortCol=rankid=1=2=50 http://www. stanforddaily. com/2009/03/06/milan-fashion-week-sexes-out/ http://www. researchandmarkets. com/research/34a553/footwear_market_re Books: Journals: Images: Prada Display: http://williamyan. com/blog/2009/7/24/retail-prada-window-display-in-soho. html) Gucci display: http://www. bobbintalk. com/2009/11/window-shopping-gucci. html
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Great Powers 1900 essays
Great Powers 1900 essays What makes a major cause of a war is its significance, and its impact on all of the countries involved. According to these criteria there are four main causes of the First World War; Imperialism is a policy of acquiring dependent territories . The Arms Race, and Militarism involved competitions between nations for the better technology, and the imperial consequences, which followed. Otto Von Bismarck was the chancellor in Germany who wanted to keep the peace in Europe, and when he was dismissed from his position, when William II wanted to rule alone, Germanys foreign policy changed dramatically to its disadvantage. The Alliance system featuring two major alliances, the Triple Entente (Russia, France, and Britain), and the Triple Alliance (Germany, Italy, and Austria), this created suspicion and hence tension among the nations. Finally nationalism, this is a feeling of pride towards ones country. All of these were causes of the war as they created a great amount of tension between the major powers in the world, especially in Europe. The Arms Race, and Militarism are basically where nations compete for better technology, in weapons, tactics, and other such things, which would affect the power of a nation, (the Arms Race generally refers to the British, and the Germans). Militarism can provide many jobs to the unemployed, in 1905-1914 the German Tirpitz plan, which was to make more Dreadnoughts than the British (the Dreadnought was the fastest, strongest, and most well equipped ship of its time, making all others virtually obsolete). This sudden increase of demand of steel, and weaponry used to make the ship, consequently required more workers in the factories, lowering the unemployment rate dramatically. New weaponry and interventions can ultimately decide who will win a war . However when too much money and time is placed into creating these weapons, there could be very problematic results, i...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Buonaparte - Relationship of Bonaparte and Buonaparte
Buonaparte - Relationship of Bonaparte and Buonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte was born as Napoleone Buonaparte, the second son of a Corsican family with dual Italian heritage: his father Carlo descended from Francesco Buonaparte, a Florentine who had emigrated in the mid-sixteenth century. Napoleons mother was a Ramolino, a family who arrived in Corsica c. 1500. For a while, Carlo, his wife, and their children were all Buonapartes, but history records the great emperor as being Bonaparte. Why? A growing French influence on both Corsica and the family caused them to adopt the French version of their name: Bonaparte. The future emperor changed his first name too, to just Napoleon. French Influence France gained control of Corsica in 1768, sending an army and a governor who would both play key roles in Napoleons life. Carlo certainly became close friends with the Comte de Marbeuf, the French ruler of Corsica, and fought to send the elder children to be educated in France so they could rise up the ranks of the much larger, richer and more powerful French world; however, their surnames remained almost wholly Buonaparte. It was only in 1793 that the use of Bonaparte begins to grow in frequency, thanks largely to Napoleons failure in Corsican politics and the familys consequent flight to France, where they initially lived in poverty. Napoleon was now a member of the French military, but had managed to a return to Corsica and involved himself in the power struggles of the area. Unlike his later career, things went badly, and the French army (and the French mainland) were soon their new home. Napoleon soon found success, first as an artillery commander in the siege of Toulon and the creation of the ruling Directory, and then in the triumphant Italian Campaign of 1795-6, whereupon he changed almost permanently to Bonaparte. It was clear at this point that the French military was his future, if not the government of France, and a French name would aid this: people could still be suspicious of foreigners (as they still tend to be.) Other members of his family followed as their lives became intertwined with the high-politics of France, and soon the newly named Bonaparte family ruled vast areas of Europe. Political Motivations The changing of the family name from Italian to French seems clearly political in retrospect: as members of an up-and-coming dynasty who ruled France, it made perfect sense to appear French and adopt French affectations. However, theres debate over the scant evidence, and its possible there wasnt a deliberate, family-wide, decision to rename themselves, just the constant and subversive effects of living among French culture working to lead them all to change. Carlos death in 1785, well before the use of Bonaparte became even remotely common, may also have been an enabling factor: they could well have stayed Buonaparte if he had still been alive.​ Readers may wish to note that a similar process happened to the Buonaparte childrens first names: Joseph was born Giuseppe, Napoleon was Napoleone and so on.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Role of Fluid Mechanics in Aircraft Design Article
The Role of Fluid Mechanics in Aircraft Design - Article Example The advancement in fluid mechanics has paved the way for the development of the more comprehensive computational model which is crucial in the production of flight vehicles. Fluid mechanics has been regarded crucial in the understanding of Airway Smooth Muscle (AMS), a crucial element of the narrowing of the airways as a result of asthma, and how it works. The development of various fluid mechanics models aided in the application of mathematical principles in understanding inflammation and hyperresponsiveness in the airways (Mathematics in Medicine, â€Å"Mathematical Modelling†), which is critical to achieving the understanding of what actually happens during an asthma attack. Until today, there is no known cure for asthma. Partly, this is due to the weak and inadequate â€Å"predictive animal models†of how the human body works and how it reacts to the existing treatments available. Following a stroke, many patients are suffering from the inability or difficulty of swallowing. There are an estimated 40% of people who are suffering from dysphagia (Mathematics in Medicine, â€Å"Mathematical Modelling of Normal Swallow). Effective management of swallowing disorders is very important in order to improve health conditions among patients who suffered the stroke and other related diseases. In the recent years, fluid mechanics has been considered as one of the key approaches toward understanding the rheological properties of foods and liquids (Mathematics in Medicine, â€Å"Mathematical Modelling of Normal Swallow). Today, medicine is trying its best to develop a comprehensive and all-encompassing mathematical model of the swallowing process.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
PUBLIC SERVICE MATTERS SPOTLIGHT CONTEST Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
PUBLIC SERVICE MATTERS SPOTLIGHT CONTEST - Essay Example These services are provided to the public by the government because they are very expensive and thus can be an unprofitable investment to the private sector. For example, it would be very expensive for a private company to construct roads and sell to the public. Another reason may be that some services are very sensitive to be left in the hands of the private sector. For example, the general security of the public cannot be left in the hands of the private sector. These are among many factors that may make the government be involved in the provision of the public service. The impacts of the public services are both positive and negative depending on the seriousness of the government in charge. If the government policies aim at a proper provision of the government policies, the end product is that the standards of living of the people are raised, but if the government does not implement the policies well, then the standards of living of the people deteriorate. Public service can also be affected by immigration. This topic can well be understood in the example of public service in relation to immigration, in the United Kingdom. The U.S congress is known to be dominated by men, but the few women have done a tremendous job in the public service. The bipartisan committee helped solve the government shutdown down comprise of women such as Lisa Murkowski, Jeane Shaheen, Heidi Hitkamp and Amy Klobuchar (Citizen for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, 2014). These women demonstrated that the public service can function better when women are in control. John McCain praised the role of women in the bipartisan committee for saving the government closure. Another outstanding public servant who has been on the spotlight light is Rep. Paul Ryan. He and other budget committee members help a rather divided house pass a budget that compromised on programs advocated by the Democrats and the Republican. The leadership of the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Management Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Management Finance - Essay Example Behavioral issues of standard costing include planning and operational variances which further includes materials, sales and labor variances. Planning and operational variances mean when plans or standards of a budget are normally depending on the expected environment where targets are decided. But in reality if the environment is not same as the expected one then the actual performance is compared with the standard performance to measure the changed conditions. In planning variance, we compare the set up standard with the revised standard and in operational variance we compare the actual output with the revised standard. The other important behavioral issues of standard costing involve Variable overhead variance and fixed overhead variance. Variable overhead variance can be defined as the difference between the standard or planned variable overhead cost which is allowed for the actual output and the variable overhead cost that has actually occurred. The variance is also called as ex penditure variance as the variable overhead cost can vary with change in production thus a change in expenses amount can also be the reason of such variance (Drury, 2008, p.432). It can be expressed as follows- Fixed overhead is the portion of total overhead cost variance which can be occurred due to the difference between the standard cost of fixed overhead allowed for the output which is produced in actual. And the actual fixed overhead cost incurred. Fixed overhead variance can be derived as- Fixed overhead further expands itself as a. Budget or Expenditure Variance and b. Volume variance. Budget or expenditure variance is known as that portion of fixed overhead variance which occurs because of difference between actual fixed overheads and planned or budgeted fixed overheads during a particular period of time. It can be derived as follows- Volume Variance is the portion of fixed overhead variance which happens due to the difference between standard costs of fixed overhead which i s allowed for the actual output and the planned fixed overheads for the particular period in which the actual out has been produced (Drury, 2008, p.438). Volume variance can derived as follows- Apart from measuring the variance analysis, we should also focus on the relationship between variance analysis and behavioral issues that occurs in an organization. Variance analysis measures the performance ability of the managers (Izhar, 2001, p.294). Managers know that their performing ability is judged by the variance analysis and their risk and reward depend either on adverse or on favorable result of variance analysis. Thus they have two ways, either they will work hard to achieve the standard amounts or they can manipulate the planned amounts. For this reason the organization should distinguish between controllable cost and uncontrollable cost. Controllable cost can be defined as those cost which can be controlled by the managers if they are efficient enough like cost of labor. It is a controllable cost and if management is efficient then they can reduce the labor cost by reducing number of the inefficient labors. They will hire only those labors that are skilled and efficient in the production line. Uncontrollable costs are those costs which cannot be controlled by management like cost of raw materials. Management cannot influence the cost of raw materials in the market (Bhattacharyya, 2011, pp. 539-540). Thus if the managers are judged by planning variance then they will be discouraged and de-motivated. It
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Environmental Impact And Pollution Control In Kenya Environmental Sciences Essay
Environmental Impact And Pollution Control In Kenya Environmental Sciences Essay Currently the Kenyan household sector is completely dependent on kerosene and charcoal and in rare cases on solar power. Use of kerosene and firewood are inefficient use of fuel in Kenya. They are already high in scarcity value and expensive thus a cheaper and cleaner option is necessary. The proposed project activity is a biomass based power project. These categories of projects do require an environmental impact analysis to be performed under the existing NEMA regulations and obtain environment license. The operation of the power plant produces emissions, waste water and solid wastes such as boiler ash. Impact of release of pollutants is planned as follows to minimize the impact. Turbo Generator and Auxiliaries: The system consists of one multistage steam turbine coupled with an electric generator, air cooled condenser, air ejector system for air cooled condenser, condensate pumps, lubricating oil and governing oil system. Controls and instrumentation are provided as per the needs. The proposed biomass based power plant, will have one no. 10.0 MW turbo generator. The turbine is provided with devices to safeguard against over speed, low steam inlet pressure, high axial movement of the shaft, low lube oil pressure, high condenser vacuum, excessive vibration etc. Power generation will be 10.0 MW during the operation. The Auxiliary power (Home load) demand will be 0.9 MW. The balance power 9.1 MW will be exported to KPLC grid. Emergency Power System consists of 1 No. DG Set of 250 kVA is provided to make available emergency power supply to the station in case of black out. The total requirement of raw water for this unit will be 256 KLD. The entire raw water requirement for the unit will be met from dug well and bore well inside and outside the factory premises. This will ensure that the natural water catchment areas are preserved and the underground water is used instead. The acidic effluents generated during regeneration of caution and mixed bed exchangers and alkaline effluents generated during regeneration of anions and mixed bed exchangers of dematerialized water plant will be led into a neutralization pit. These effluents are self neutralizing but provisions will be made for final pH adjustment before disposal. Wastewater Generation S. No Particulars Wastewater Generated m3/hr Method of Treatment 1 Sewage 2.0 Septic tank with Dispersion trench 2 Softener regeneration DM Plant 0.3 Neutralization tank 3 Filter back wash/ R.O reject 0.55 Waste Water Storage Tank 4 Boiler blow down 2.46 5 Cooling tower blow down 1.159 Since, the small quantity of wastewater will be generated from domestic usages, the chances of contamination of soil will be nil. Wastewater drained from the treatment plant is pumped to a neutralization pit to maintain PH as prescribed by Pollution Control norms. The blow down water from boiler will be mixed with cooling tower to bring down the temperature to ambient level. The sewage from the various power plant buildings will be taken to a common septic tank through trenches for safer disposal. The water used in the surface condenser will be cooled in a cooling tower. Blow down from the cooling tower will be trenched out and finally conveyed to the effluent pit. The vacant area in the industry will be used for tree plantation to improve the surrounding environment of the industry. Ash The main solid waste from the proposed Power Plant will be ash (Fly ash and Bottom ash) by the combustion of fuel in boiler which will be around 35 tons/day which includes the bottom ash, ash collected in the ESP ash hoppers. The boiler will be sized to produce 45 tph steam under normal conditions. The proposed boiler will be primarily bio-mass fired single-drum, vertical type balanced draft with a furnace having traveling grate type furnace. The boiler will consist of air pre-heater, economizer, evaporators, super-heaters, fuel firing equipment, integral piping, flue gas ducting with expansion joints, supporting structures, platforms and walkways, etc. The firing system consists of a traveling grate, air plenum, regulating dampers and ash discharges valve. The traveling grate is driven by a hydraulic arrangement and the tie bars of the traveling grates are made of cast iron, to withstand the heat from the burning. The combustion air to the grate is supplied from the bottom plenum hoppers and the air is controlled by the air dampers. The discharge end of the grate discharges the ash into a water impounded hopper. The shifting are collected in the plenum hopper and discharged by an air lock valve. Based on preliminary estimates, the maximum annual generation of ash from boiler operation is 2.5 tons/hr, based on 100 percent Prosopis juliflora firing. Fly ash constitutes the major part, accounting for 75% of total generation, the balance being bottom ash. The fly ash will be utilized for land filling, Brick making or Cement blending, for road building material and for farmers, who can use the ash as manure for the crops, and also through dense phase pneumatic handling system with fly ash silos which have a capacity to store 1 week generati on of ash. The ash will be transported through trucks and the roads will be asphalted within the plant area. Environmental pollution and control Noise Noise Level Survey: The foremost objective of noise monitoring in the study area is to evaluate the baseline noise and assess the impact of the total noise expected to be generated by proposed project. The details of the expected noise monitoring locations as per studies on other similar projects are that noise levels during day time were found to be in the range 52.6 48.3 dB. The maximum noise level was observed to be 52.6 dB at the Nalli, India and a minimum of 48.3 dB was observed at Alavattam, India. Noise levels observed to fall in the range 48.6- 46.5 dB during the night time. A maximum of 48.6 dB was observed at the Nalli, India and a minimum of 46.5 dB at Alavattam, India. Equipment will conform to noise levels prescribed by regulatory authorities. Adequate noise control measures will be provided to satisfy the ambient noise level standards prescribed by NEMA. Noise absorbing materials will be used in the construction of roofs, walls, floors and in the generators. Provision of acoustic enclosures to noise generating equipments like pumps will be installed; major noise-producing equipments such as turbo generator compressors are to be provided with suitable noise abatements. Provision of thick greenbelt to attenuate the noise levels will be made. Safety equipment for noise like ear muffs and other protective devises will be provided to the staff working near noise generation source. The pollution control measures planned for the plant will ensure that it has the least adverse impact on the environment. Air The project is techno economically viable, based on the various technical and financial analyses for generating power using bio-mass. During the growth of plants, CO2 in the air is absorbed through photosynthesis. The same quantity of CO2 will be released on burning, and will be again absorbed while growing (juliflora plants). Branches of juliflora will be cut, leaving the stem for the future growth. Although there will be some emissions from the burning process itself, the project will earn substantial carbon credits as the complete carbon cycle is calculated from the oxygen generated by the Prosopis while it is growing until it is finally burned. In this way the process is neutral and qualifies for carbon credit from the developed countries. Incidentally this is revenue for the biomass power generation plant. The quantity of CO2 for a 10 MW power plant is around 51,500tonnes/year. Please advice on the highlighted part. Biomass energy generation, if done in a sustainable fashion, would greatly reduce emissions of greenhouses gases. The amount of carbon dioxide released when biomass is burned is very nearly the same as the amount required to replenish the plants grown to produce the biomass. Thus, in a sustainable fuel cycle, there will be no net emissions of carbon dioxide, although some fossil-fuel inputs will be required for planting, harvesting, transporting, and processing biomass. Efficient cultivation and conversion processes will used and the resulting emissions will be small (around 20% of the emissions created by fossil fuels alone). Also if the energy needed to produce and process biomass comes from renewable sources in the first place, then the net contribution to global warming will be zero. Draft System and Electro-Static Precipitator: The boiler will be equipped with one number of forced draft fan, secondary air (SA) fan and induced draft fan. The FD SA fans will supply the required combustion air to the boiler. The flue gases generated in the boiler will be evacuated by the ID fan and the capacity and head of FD fan will be selected considering maximum air that would be required for the fuel firing modes. In the same way, ID fan will also be selected based on the maximum flue gas generated in any of the fuel firing modes under consideration. The boiler is connected to an electro-static precipitator, which will remove the dust and ash particles from the flue gas, before the ID fan could handle it. The efficiency of the precipitator will be 99.9% and the dust concentration at the outlet of the ESP will be less than 100.0 mg/Nm3. Control of ground level concentration of SO2 emitted will be achieved by providing a stack at sufficient height of 65 m for dispersion. The unit will install an electrostatic precipitator at the exit of boilers so as to limit the suspended particulate matter and achieve the standards prescribed by NEMA. Electrostatic precipitator of 99.9% efficiency will be installed to limit the SPM concentrations below100 mg/Nm3. A stack of 55-m height will be provided for wider dispersion of gaseous emissions. Avoidance of methane emissions due to decay and de-gradation of the biomass waste is also necessary. The company intends to lay out an approach of CO2 neutrality in production and utilization of bio- mass for heat and power generation as well as avoiding CO2 emissions from the fossil fuels for the corresponding requirement. A combustion technology route is selected for the power plant, where bio-mass is burnt as fuel in a steam generator to produce high pressure steam which is then expanded in a steam turbine to generate power. This will in effect neutralize the CO2 emissions. The design of fuel handling system, involving biomass fuels is based on the estimated quantities of annual fuel requirements. Fuels will be received at the site by road. Adequate road facilities will be provided to handle the road-bound vehicles on a daily peak basis. The fuels arriving at site by different types of vehicles such as trucks, tractor trailers etc. will be weighed on a pit less type electronic road weighbridge provided in the plant premises. The CO2 emissions from these transport vehicles will be subsequently absorbed by the juliflora plants. Conveyor belt will be closed to prevent dust generation and water sprinkling system will be provided at the material handling and storage yard so as to satisfy the Ambient Air Quality/emission standards prescribed by NEMA. Well maintained greenbelt covering 25 %of the land area will be provided to arrest the fugitive emissions. Soil It has been observed that the pH of the soil ranged from 6.6 -6.7 indicating that the soils are acidic to slightly alkaline. Soils are mainly clay loams with alluvial deposits derived from tertiary / quaternary volcanic and pyroclastic rock sediments that have been weathered and eroded from the uplands. They contain high levels of P, K, Ca and Mg and low levels of N and C. The soil from the study area shows moderate to good fertility. By carrying out a replantation of the Prosopis on the cleared land then the soil fertility will be improved and maintained. Although energy crops will be grown without pesticide and fertilizer, large-scale energy farming could nevertheless lead to increases in chemical use simply because more land would be under cultivation. Soils could be depleted of organic content and nutrients unless care is taken to leave enough wastes behind. These concerns point up the need for regulation and monitoring of energy crop development and waste use. Ecology The major environmental impact of biomass energy may be that of loss of biodiversity. Transforming natural ecosystems into energy plantations with a very small number of crops, as few as one, can drastically reduce the biodiversity of a region. There are no wild life sanctuaries/parks within 20 km radius of the project site. Also because of the denuded land, wildlife is quite scarce with the most common animals being the ostrich and dik dik. However snakes are in abundance. The records of Forest Department of Kenya did not indicate presence of any high endemic or vulnerable species in this area. The natural plants which are mainly shrubs and acacia trees will not be affected by the projects routine. The out growers will be trained on how to identify and avoid these natural plant species. Please advice if this part is adequately addressed. This will lead to increasing the amount of forest wood harvested for energy and could provide an incentive for the forest-products industry to manage its resources more efficiently, and thus improve forest health. But it could also provide an excuse to exploit forests in an unsustainable fashion. Biomass energy production involves annual harvests or periodic removals of trees from the land. These harvests and removals will be at levels that are sustainable, i.e., surety that current use does not deplete the lands ability to meet future needs, and also be done in ways that dont degrade other important indicators of sustainability. Because biomass markets may involve new or additional removals of trees, we will be careful to minimize impacts from whatever additional demands biomass growth or harvesting makes on the land. Unfortunately, commercial forests have not always been soundly managed, and many people view with alarm the prospect of increased wood cutting. Their concerns can be met by tighter government controls on forestry practices and by following the principles of excellent forestry. If such principles are applied, it should be possible to extract energy from forests indefinitely. Greenbelt Development Greenbelt will be developed inside the factory premises covering a total area of about 10.5 acres. The unit will also develop the nearby area around the industry for greenbelt. The inter-spaces will be laid with shrubs. The inter-space between trees planted will be about 5m. It is proposed to double the tree density in future in accordance to the factory requirements. Socio Economic One other side effect of growing trees for energy is that it will benefit soil quality and farm economies. Energy crops will provide a steady supplemental income for farmers in off-seasons and allow them to work unused land without requiring much additional equipment. Moreover, energy crops will be used to stabilize cropland or rangeland prone to erosion and flooding. Trees will be grown for several years before being harvested, and their roots and leaf litter will help stabilize the soil. The planting of coppicing, or self-regenerating, varieties will minimize the need for disruptive tilling and planting. This project does not involve any displacement of local people. Employment opportunities will be improved in the nearby villages because of this proposed unit and this will provide indirect employment opportunities for more than 1000 families. Safety PPEs -Operation and Maintenance The following measures will be provided to ensure safety of the workers; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Industrial safety helmets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Crash helmets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Face shield à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Welders equipment for eye and face protection à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cylindrical type earplug à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ear muffs à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Canister gas mask à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Self contained breathing apparatus à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Leather apron à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Boiler suit à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Safety belt /line mans safety belt à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Leather hand gloves à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Canvas cum leather hand gloves with leather palm à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lead hand glove à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Electrically tested electrical resistance hand gloves and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Industrial safety shoes with steel toe. Environment, Safety and Health Monitoring Programme The Environment, Safety and Health-Monitoring Programme in the factory will be as follows: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Monthly Monitoring of Stack Emissions SPM, RSPM, SO2, NOX à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Daily Monitoring of Water and Treated Water pH, TDS, TSS, COD à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Monitoring of Ambient Air SPM, RSPM, SO2, NOX CO, Noise and Work Place Air à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Occupational Safety à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Occupational Health Budgetary allocation for Environmental Management Category Capital Investment Annual Operating Costs (KES in 000) Air Pollution Management 125 1 Water and Wastewater Management 50 2 Solid Waste Management 50 5 Greenbelt 5 1 Environmental Monitoring and Training 5 1 Total 235 10 Please advice on this table. Is it necessary and are the figures almost correct. Other impact of growing Prosopis Juliflora and using it to generate energy include; Fossil fuel cogeneration and carbon mitigation will be encouraged. The furnace and boiler will have to be especially modified to be able to generate steam at the high temperatures necessary for making the plant more energy efficient. Sustainability of a biomass power plant will generally depend on the participation of the beneficiaries in terms of increased environmental awareness by distinguishing biomass power and conventional grid power. During the field survey it was found out that very little environmental concerns exist among the villagers. This is not to mean that they are ignorant of the negative impacts of deforestation, soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity but that they are aware and are willing to address these impacts accordingly. They are also willing to share the responsibility to plant more trees in their land to counter effect the negative impact that the power plant may generate and to maintain the sustainability. The key to successful biomass power development is to use the resources efficiently in modern conversion systems that maximize the energy produced and minimize the byproducts of the conversion processes. In modern times, the combination of improved technological efficiencies, scientific advances, increased environmental-awareness and environmental protection regulations have turned biomass conversion into a cleaner, more efficient process. In view of the above,the following activities along the biomass value chain will require consideration in an EIA: à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ any activity or structure out of character with its surrounding; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ major changes in land use; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ all roads in scenic, wooded or mountainous areas and wetlands; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ railway lines; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ oil and gas pipelines; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ water transport; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ river diversions and water transfer between catchments; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ drilling for the purpose of utilizing ground water resources; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ timber harvesting; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ clearance of forest areas; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ reforestation and afforestation; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ large-scale agriculture; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ use of pesticides, including aerial spraying; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ introduction of new crops; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ use of fertilizers; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ irrigation; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ fertilizer manufacture or processing; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ oil refineries and petro-chemical works; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ chemical works and process plants; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ bulk grain processing plants; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ management of hydrocarbons including the storage of natural gas and combustible or explosive fuels; à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã†â€™ waste disposal, including: sites for solid waste disposal; sites for hazardous waste disposal; sewage disposal works; works involving major atmospheric emissions; works emitting offensive odors. As required for implementation of the project activity, project participants have studied the possibility of environmental impacts and conclude that no negative impacts are possible due to the project activity. In fact, the project activity contributes to minimize the environmental pollution due to fossil fuel based electricity generation.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Hip Hop vs. Ethics Essay -- World Cultures Music Morals Essays
Ethics of The Music Industry Works Cited Not Included Hip-hop culture has been socially labeled as deviant, a counter-culture, un-American because of its lack of moral. Specifically, "gangsta rap" which glorifies guns, sex, violence, drug use and gang activity has been castigated. This type of rap promotes a nonconformist and rebel adaptive behavior. As a result, it gives hip-hop culture a deviant label. A simple definition of deviance is "behavior that does not conform to group-shared norms; behavior that (in some way) does not meet the expectations of a group or a society as a whole and is subject to social control" (Liska 2). Mr. Kirkland, along with rap entrepreneur Russell Simmons, Grammy award-winning Chuck D, Charles Fisher and the NAACP are major moral entrepreneurs of the nascent grass-roots reform movement and pillars to the hip hop culture industry. Raptivism, "At the core of their campaign is a conviction that amounts to heresy in some quarters of the rap world: Artistic images do influence behavior, especially when it comes to young people, and that the industry has a responsibility to counter the glorification that empowers kids, rather than landing them in jail" (Marks 1). The deviance label of rap music has created an atmosphere for moral panic in which big names in the hip hop culture are acting as morale entrepreneurs to counter-act and make a transformation. According to act-utilitarianism, the controversial lyrics of hip-hop artists may have a greater balance of good consequences over the bad consequences. Therefore, they create the greatest happiness within hip hop culture. The function of "raptivism" is feasible because of the potential power of this grass-roots movement to create a flux of positive m... hip-hop's survival will be their choice. "Raptivism" aims to attain overall greatest happiness. It is a plan to overcome it's immoral image that larger society has labeled it to have. Russell Simmon's "raptivism" movement is the most acceptable choice due to the extremity of other possible solutions. One possible solution could be the censorship of hip-hop music, which has been proven unconstitutional and has never held up in court due to the constitution's freedom of speech amendment. Another solution is to leave hip-hop the way it is now. Creating this movement is an effective way to respond to the moral dilemmas and negative image that hip-hop has obtained, while not trying to censor nonconformists. Besides, it will be lead by the most influential leaders and creators of the industry, whom which also has support from the most respected and famous rappers.
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