Thursday, November 7, 2019

Great Powers 1900 essays

Great Powers 1900 essays What makes a major cause of a war is its significance, and its impact on all of the countries involved. According to these criteria there are four main causes of the First World War; Imperialism is a policy of acquiring dependent territories . The Arms Race, and Militarism involved competitions between nations for the better technology, and the imperial consequences, which followed. Otto Von Bismarck was the chancellor in Germany who wanted to keep the peace in Europe, and when he was dismissed from his position, when William II wanted to rule alone, Germanys foreign policy changed dramatically to its disadvantage. The Alliance system featuring two major alliances, the Triple Entente (Russia, France, and Britain), and the Triple Alliance (Germany, Italy, and Austria), this created suspicion and hence tension among the nations. Finally nationalism, this is a feeling of pride towards ones country. All of these were causes of the war as they created a great amount of tension between the major powers in the world, especially in Europe. The Arms Race, and Militarism are basically where nations compete for better technology, in weapons, tactics, and other such things, which would affect the power of a nation, (the Arms Race generally refers to the British, and the Germans). Militarism can provide many jobs to the unemployed, in 1905-1914 the German Tirpitz plan, which was to make more Dreadnoughts than the British (the Dreadnought was the fastest, strongest, and most well equipped ship of its time, making all others virtually obsolete). This sudden increase of demand of steel, and weaponry used to make the ship, consequently required more workers in the factories, lowering the unemployment rate dramatically. New weaponry and interventions can ultimately decide who will win a war . However when too much money and time is placed into creating these weapons, there could be very problematic results, i...

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